At Moreki, we strongly believe in creating positive change in the electrical industry by helping our customers effectively solve their big and small problems, saving you money and time, creating a better future for you.
Tänu meie pikaajalisele kogemusele elektritööstuses teame kõiki takistusi, millega meie kliendid igapäevaselt silmitsi seisavad, ja kui palju aega ja vaeva raisatakse iga päev nende ületamiseks. Meie eesmärk on kõrvaldada need takistused teie edu teelt, et saaksite oma aega pühendada tähtsamatele asjadele.
Our customized product portfolio includes everything you need to manage the connections in the electrical cabinet, all in one place as a complete solution, so you don't have to waste time searching for the products you need from dozens of different suppliers.
We offer smart and innovative technical solutions that solve often complex technical problems in a simple and elegant way, and products that can save valuable cabinet space or replace more expensive products while improving technical functionality.
Our e-morek platform is designed to make placing an order or requesting a quote as easy as possible by offering an intuitive user interface, visible inventory and personalized pricing.
We provide our customers with a complete technical database of our products, including in ETIM format, with product images and drawings to help you integrate our solutions into your projects and systems.
We dedicate our time and effort to solving your simple and complex, technical and administrative problems. And of course, our products are of the highest quality. You can count on it.